
(n.) a word used in wishful thinking to describe a condition of increased order and technological progress with time.

the supposed end result of extropy will be the achievement of some kind of technological singularity. fingers crossed, i suppose.


(n.) a group of people that joins together in the purpose of festivity and the making of merriment. what fun!


a group of people forming a political faction within the government with the intention of pushing for certain policies and platforms. not terribly fun.


(n.) treatment of which has often been a manifestation of fear of the unknown, fear of "the other." having ginger hair is more common through certain populations, like Scots, Irishmen, Basque.

(link is working, though it appears broken)

A couple of G's, an R and an E, an I and an N
Just six little letters all jumbled together...


the devils dictionary
The science and history of the animal kingdom, including its king, the House Fly (Musca maledicta). The father of Zoölogy was Aristotle, as is universally conceded, but the name of its mother has not come down to us. Two of the science's most illustrious expounders were Buffon and Oliver Goldsmith, from both of whom we learn (L'Histoire générale des animaux and A History of Animated Nature) that the domestic cow sheds its horns every two years.
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)


the devils dictionary
n. A crowd; the source of political wisdom and virtue. In a republic, the object of the statesman's adoration. "In a multitude of consellors there is wisdom," saith the proverb. If many men of equal individual wisdom are wiser than any one of them, it must be that they acquire the excess of wisdom by the mere act of getting together. Whence comes it? Obviously from nowhere — as well say that a range of mountains is higher than the single mountains composing it. A multitude is as wise as its wisest member if it obey him; if not, it is no wiser than its most foolish.

(also: The Devil's Dictionary)


the devils dictionary
A member of the Parliamentarian party in the English civil war — so called from his habit of wearing his hair short, whereas his enemy, the Cavalier, wore his long. There were other points of difference between them, but the fashion in hair was the fundamental cause of quarrel. The Cavaliers were royalists because the king, an indolent fellow, found it more convenient to let his hair grow than to wash his neck. This the Roundheads, who were mostly barbers and soap-boilers, deemed an injury to trade, and the royal neck was therefore the object of their particular indignation. Descendants of the belligerents now wear their hair all alike, but the fires of animosity enkindled in that ancient strife smoulder to this day beneath the snows of British civility.
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)


(n.) flaming ball of burning gas which can be seen in the sky during the daytime. a bringer of both life and death, and thus occasionally struggles with popular opinion

(also: star)

be not afraid

(n.) the angels are not limited to human form.
so maybe, be a little afraid, just don't go off the deep end.

be not afraid
be not afraid
"Basically, when the people writing Scripture tried to describe what they saw when they saw an angel… they run into the end of their imagination… they can never quite seem to fully explain it because they had trouble even comprehending what they saw, let alone being able to describe it to someone else."

be not afraid
be not afraid

(also: angels)
(also: multi-headed)
(also: multi-handed)
(also: bible)
(also: doctor who)

sign-up or face the consequences!

“"observers" must obey the call.”

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