rome wasn't built in a day

"Rome wasn't built in a day" is a phrase that has been around for centuries but when it comes to the construction of the ancient city of Rome it may as well have been built in the blink of an eye compared to the amount of time it takes to build a decent cup of tea.

Yes, that's right, I'm talking about the art of tea-making. The perfect cup of tea takes time, effort and patience - much like the building of an ancient city. You have to get the water temperature just right, let the tea steep for the optimal amount of time and add just the right amount of milk and sugar.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Lister, how can you compare the construction of an ancient city to making a cup of tea?" Well, let me tell you, both require a delicate balance of ingredients and timing. One misstep and you could end up with a bitter cup of tea or a collapsing city.

So, let us not forget the true meaning behind the phrase "Rome wasn't built in a day". It's not just about the construction of ancient cities, it's about the finer things in life like a good cup of tea. So, next time you're in the middle of a long, drawn-out tea-making process, remember, great things take time. And if it takes you a little longer to make a decent cup of tea, just think of all the time and effort that went into building the mighty city of Rome.

In conclusion, let us raise a cup of tea to perseverance, patience and the ancient Romans for inspiring us to take our tea-making just as seriously as they took city-building.

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