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conveying anything outwards, be it feelings, visual images, or noise and / or movement. expression is simply the act of putting yourself out there. it gives some people anxiety, but the only thing better than happiness, is the peace you will feel when you have expressed yourself clearly.

(also: art)
(also: poet)


art is any medium or form of expression that is used as to create or express. Art is culturally, and individually driven. elites within society often have a separate system for art that is private to them, and kept away from the mainstream, or working class. art was considered one of the most valuable treasures that could be seized when germany was defeated by the alliance, and some amongst the upper circles of those societies were mourned priceless german art lost in a great fire, even over the lives of those lost at the hands of the regime.

(also: society)
(also: expression)
(also: creativity)


individuals who identify as writing, verbally reciting, or expressing poetry in any form. Some poets are aware they are poets, and pass away long before society accepts them as such. Other poets are active (and known) in the poetry community during their time alive. Poets may use additional mediums to share and illustrate their poetry, such as music, or writing, even though some simply memorize and recite their poems. One of the most famous poems, historically, is almost certainly the inscription on the pillar of allahabad; more prominently known as the allahabad prahsasti, in academic circles. This inscription is in an ancient language known as Sanskrit, and praises the ruler of the time, Samudragupta. It also chronicles and lists the ruler's military and political achievements. bards are also often considered kin to poets, and one can be the other, in different cultural settings.

(also: bard)
(also: art)


a process of converting someone to a specific belief, perspective, or series of behavior processes. These methods vary by culture, and by government. an ancient alien race known as the reapers may or may not be the originators of these complex and multi-faceted techniques of behavior (and thought) modification.

(also: military)
(also: minecraft)


individuals who make others uncomfortable, and exude predatory intent, which they spend a great deal of time insisting to their targets aren't bad intentions, at all. Honestly.

Subtypes of creepers range from simply staring at you in a retail store, to running up to you and self-destructing, violently.

(also: Minecraft)


someone who is capable of immersing into digital environments. There are many kinds of gamers. Some enjoy building up their strength as heroes, and saving worlds alongside beloved allies. Others prefer to play the role of the villain or hoodlum, and revel in the glorious chaos they wreak. Another category of gamer plays to escape, either from negative thoughts and feelings, or for other reasons, not related to such things. All gamers have something they connect with in their game that they enjoy, or occupies their energy. Never assume that any demographic of person can be a better gamer than any other demographic of person. This is a toxic myth that looms over gamer culture, preventing it from reaching its utopia.

(also: utopia)


an affirmation of maximum certainty and assuredness that something will be accomplished or carried out. a vow may be of peace or inaction, such as that of a pacifist. A vow may be of action, such as that of a soldier promising to deliver a memento to a loved one.

(also: military)
(also: oath)


a group of individuals who verbally, physically, mentally, and legally submit periods of service to the needs of their country. Historically, support and approval of military has highs and lows, globally. Historically, most needs of military members are not fully honored by the countries they submit service to.

(also: oath)
(also: vow)
(also: submit)

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“"observers" must obey the call.”

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