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amber heard

/æmbər ˈhərd/:
1 - noun: Abusive ex-wife of Johnny Depp best known for her webs of deception, obvious perjury attempts and having defecated on her husband's bed.
2 - noun: Used in accusatory form to categorize someone who constantly comes up with elaborate, dramatic and outrageous lies about someone else despite evidence against such dramatic defamation, usually doubling down on the lies if they're confronted with such evidence. (Ex.: "Sarah is such an Amber Heard to Kevin", as in, Sarah
keeps harassing Kevin with outlandish soap opera-style lies about him. And that despite those lies having already been proven false, she sticks to defaming Kevin by making up even worse lies.)
3 - verb: To perform heinous acts involving scat at someone's spouse to humiliate them and degrade their mental state (Ex.: "Can you stop Amber Hearding the bed?")

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