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From Ezra Pound's 'the ABC's of Reading':

"LOGOPOEIA, 'the dance of the intellect among words', that is to say, it employs words not only for their direct meaning, but it takes count in a special way of habits of usage, of the context we expect to find with the word, its usual concomitants, of its known acceptances, and of ironical play. It holds the aesthetic content which is peculiarly the domain of verbal manifestation, and cannot possibly be contained in plastic or in music. It is the latest come, and perhaps the most tricky and undependable mode."

In the lower linked lecture, Ginsberg discusses the word, defining it primarily as the presence of wit whether present by puns, words with multiple definitions being purposefully utilized to some end, general witty arrangement, etc.

From wikipedia:
"Logopoeia or logopeia is defined by Pound as poetry that uses words for more than just their direct meaning,[1] stimulating the visual imagination with phanopoeia and inducing emotional correlations with melopoeia."

An easy example: "To live outside the law, you must be honest."

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