series of letters of decreasing size that you could certainly memorize. Every eye chart is the same sequence, and it's only 66 letters.
outré, i.e. violently bigoted
socially scarce, and thus socially valuable
the belief that fetus is a person, but that it's okay to let people die
you are using the word 'chemicals' to mean artificially synthesized matter, whereas I use it to mean any kind of matter. Therefore your complaints about 'chemicals', i.e. artificially synthesized matter, mean you are actually complaining about all matter.
title used for royal lawyer-knights
an occurrence in which the view of the sun or moon is obstructed by clouds, resulting in disappointment that you missed the eclipse
one who is having a bad time, forcing you to sympathize
separated from one's base instincts by a step of indirection.
a mound-shaped sandy island with a diameter of one meter having a single coconut palm
the point in a story when they wrap it all up, not because the plot has been building towards resolution, but because this is the end of the book and the editor wants a resolution.
a politician who gets the electorate involved.
the belief in an all-powerful being who pervades the universe and has zero effect on it.
an engine component that increases the engine's impressiveness.
an elderly person who does not treat their juniors with deference.
a religion that is not big enough to be dogmatic, but refuses to stay in its lane as independent spirituality until it becomes big enough.
a shepherd's staff held by a bishop in order to present himself as "one of the laymen"
a genre of comedy where you empathize with people, making you laugh
informal term for ladypox
a voluntary legal agreement between a company and an unsuspecting customer
sign-up or face the consequences!
“"observers" must obey the call.”