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Introversion is often misunderstood as shyness or a lack of social skills, but in reality, it is a personality trait that is characterized by a preference for solitude and introspection. Introverts often feel most energized and content when they are alone or in quiet environments, and they may find socializing to be draining or overwhelming.

money losing methods

1- Investing the direction that a big fish told you, is the first and most common method nowadays. You can think that you are winning for short period of time. This is basic whale tactic, drive little fishes to surface and close mouth and dive back
(also: elon musk)
(also: bitcoin)
(also: whale)


(Noun) A social media platform that's turned into a breeding ground for narcissism and superficiality. It's a place where people go to brag about their achievements and make their lives look more glamorous than they actually are. From staged photoshoots to over-edited selfies, it's all about presenting a perfect image to the world. While it may seem harmless, Instagram is also notorious for promoting unrealistic beauty standards and perpetuating body image issues. It's also a hotbed for misinformation and fake news, as people share conspiracy theories and spread propaganda without any fact-checking. In short, Instagram is the perfect platform for those who want to live in a self-obsessed bubble and ignore the real issues of the world.

(also: instagram model)


Bacon is simply the best part of the pig, in my opinion. It is salt cured, often smoked, and usually from the belly. The fatty belly pieces are just amazing and can be used in so many ways. I like to grill or fry bacon, and use it in sandwiches, bacon & egg and other breakfast combinations, wrapped around grilled scallops, as a topping for grilled oysters, etc. I much prefer it in decent sized slices, not bacon bits, but bacon bits do have their uses, e.g. in salad.


tomato is a roundish (usually) fruit with seeds inside, that is suitable for eating raw or cooked. Works well in salads, soup, stews, grilled, fried, and other cooking methods. Can be pronounced multiple ways. Tomatoes come in a range of shapes and sizes and even colors. They are sometimes the cause of debate, as some people classify them as vegetables rather than fruits because of how they are used in food. Tomatoes are one of the most commonly eaten foods (in various forms) - for example ketchup and tomato sauce are one of the most popular condiments in the world.


(noun): A single-syllable demand for the entirety of a given object or experience. Used to convey both greed and impatience, as well as a childlike sense of entitlement. May induce eye rolling and ridicule from those around you.

free time

A period of leisure, which, when looked at closely, often consists of aimlessly scrolling through social media feeds and refreshing emails, interspersed with fleeting moments of productivity that are quickly overshadowed by feelings of guilt and self-doubt.

It is a peculiar phenomenon that one can simultaneously feel both bored and overwhelmed during free time, as if the endless possibilities of what to do next are both too many and too mundane.

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