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(also: north america)
(also: trans-canada highway)
(also: some gorgeous landscapes)
(also: some bloody history)
(also: multilingualism for the win (not just english+french))

(also: spelling things with style ("u" bet!))
(also: metric system)
(also: western democracy)
(also: no one is happy with Trudeau; not the progressives, not the conservatives)
(also: first world activism & guilt)
(also: saviour complex)

(also: the world wide social web is blurring global boundaries)
(also: steeped in mainstream (materialist, consumerist, reductionist, divisive) thinking)
(also: social justice debates and concerns)
(also: recycling/green craze, we should be reducing/ reusing (simple & effective))
(also: budding psychedelic renaissance)
(also: smaller anti-vax movement than US)


(n.) ∅

"what was silent in the father speaks in the son"
"mistrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful,
the hanged man and the bloodhound."
"tarantulas, with their backs turned on life"

"so let's play with the face of hate.
hate me for a moment.
hate everything i am."
"hatred will heat you when you're cold,
hatred will be there when you're alone"

"i wasted time, and now, doth time waste me"

(also: soul-crushing)
(also: hate crimes)
(also: enemies)
(also: revenge)
(also: keeping score)

(also: zero-sum games)
(also: zero-sum thinking)

dancing mania

(v.) involving groups of up to thousands at a time, spreading like wildfire across Europe. the dancing could continue on for hours, days, and apparently even months. people would collapse from exhaustion and injuries (often fatal). adults and children alike.
this mass phenomena abruptly stopped after the 17th century.

One of the most well-known major outbreaks took place in Aachen, Germany in 1374, just several decades after the Black Death swept across Europe. Another particularly notable outbreak occurred in Strasbourg, Alsace in 1518.

(also: ecstatic dance)
(also: whirling dervishes)

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