(adj.) in exchange for having done something important and then died
(n.) a gentlemanly sport with increasingly infrequent casualties
(n.) a habit of highly successful people
(n.) an insectivorous animal that exists primarily to be the first entry in dictionaries.
(n.) 1) having desirable and admirable masculine characteristics. 2) having contemptible and detestable masculine characteristics.
(n.) the act of borrowing something at a very favorable rate to the borrower.
(n.) 1) one who propagates terminological inexactitudes; 2) one who wouldn't say they lie, as such, just exaggerate and occasionally leave out a few minor details.
(also: prevaricator)
(also: prevaricator)
(n.) a nauseating, slimy, greasy substance with a haunting fecal odor, processed from gunk extracted from the guts of whales. Naturally used to manufacture expensive perfumes.
(n.) a human emissary of divine, spiritual beings of inerrant moral guidance, who communes with them by wearing funny clothes and doing strange chants
(n.) a for-hire provider of therapeutic services, on a lower tier than professional psychiatrists but generally a higher tier than clowns or priests
(also: clown), (also: priest)
(also: clown), (also: priest)
(n.) the hoary specter of death's pay-by-installment plan
(adj.) describing one who is in the process of mutating into a frailer, wrinklier, balder form of life
(adj.) describing one who is in the process of mutating into a frailer, wrinklier, balder form of life
(n.) something untrue that people will nonetheless believe in, and thus the exact reverse of scientific research
(n.) a performer who either highlights the melancholy of life by pretending to be happy, or highlights the joy of life by pretending to be sad and miserable
(n.) the ability to be disappointed enough with reality that one starts proposing improvements, a testament to mankind's sheer arrogance and easily-bored nature
(n.) a large group of people, probably foreigners, to whom the logical reaction is senseless panic
(also: panic)
(also: panic)
(n.) an attempt to do oneself in through the most pleasant means at hand, including drunkenness, gluttony, and general revelry
(also: debauchery)
(also: hedonism)
(also: New Orleans)
(also: debauchery)
(also: hedonism)
(also: New Orleans)
(adv.) not literally
(n.) A frozen hell in the extreme north of the American continent. Inhabited primarily by roving packs of hockey fans, wolverines, and gravy.
(also: roving packs)
(also: roving packs)
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“"observers" must obey the call.”