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mickey mouse

Noun. An iconic anthropomorphic rodent who rocks red shorts, gloved hands, and a perpetual smile while orchestrating animated mischief in a magical kingdom.

(also: mice)

zen master

Noun. A calm and wise individual skilled in the art of profound contemplation, often found seeking serenity amidst misplaced car keys and existential dilemmas.

(also: humans)


A state of mind where one's fear is overshadowed by a sudden burst of temporary insanity, resulting in the misguided belief that they can conquer anything. Often accompanied by a fleeting surge of confidence and a total disregard for common sense. Not recommended for making rational life decisions or dealing with clowns.

(also: fool)

perfect time

An elusive and mythical concept that promises the opportune moment for action or decision-making. Often used as an excuse to procrastinate, as it conveniently never seems to arrive.

(also: time travel)


The art of turning blank pages into a whirlwind of dreams, drama, and dialogue. A delicate dance between creativity and structure, where words leap off the page and come to life on the big screen.

(also: typewriter)



The digital art of aimlessly swiping, flicking, or rolling one's finger on a touch screen, often resulting in a sense of fleeting satisfaction and a severe case of thumb fatigue.

(also: hamster wheel)
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