(1707 – 1783) Swiss mathematician who made prolific discoveries in calculus and graph theory.
(also: 100 most influential people in the world)
(also: leonhard euler quotes)
(n.) 1) a trait which is inherited in a non-physical, non-genetic way, such as language. 2) the most insufferable goddam thing you can conceive of if it cloned itself, had sex with the clone and then ate the resulting babies for the +2 insufferability bonus.
A large bird to which (for its sins, doubtless) nature has denied that hinder toe in which so many pious naturalists have seen a conspicuous evidence of design. The absence of a good working pair of wings is no defect, for, as has been ingeniously pointed out, the ostrich does not fly.
A form of expression peculiar to the Land beyond the Magazines.
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)
Certain primal powers of Tyrant Woman wherewith she holds dominion over the male of her species, binding him to the service of her will and paralyzing his rebellious energies.
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)
(also: weakness)
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)
(also: weakness)
has very little to do with canadian bacon or british bacon
The sacred books of our holy religion, as distinguished from the false and profane writings on which all other faiths are based.
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)
(noun) A majestic era of cultural rebirth, where art, intellect, and creativity danced the tango in ornate ballrooms. A time when great minds, bedecked in velvet and quills, waltzed through the corridors of history, leaving behind a tapestry of stunning masterpieces, towering intellect, and questionable fashion choices. A period that birthed both enlightened ideas and questionable hairdos, reminding us that even the greatest minds are not immune to the occasional style blunder.
Teaching Tip: Bring the Renaissance to life by incorporating artistic activities like painting or sculpting that allow students to experience the creativity and innovation of the time period firsthand. Additionally, consider using primary sources, such as artwork or literature, to spark discussions about the cultural, intellectual, and societal changes during the Renaissance.
Teaching Tip: Bring the Renaissance to life by incorporating artistic activities like painting or sculpting that allow students to experience the creativity and innovation of the time period firsthand. Additionally, consider using primary sources, such as artwork or literature, to spark discussions about the cultural, intellectual, and societal changes during the Renaissance.
The tribute of a fool to the worth of the nearest ass.
They say that hens do cackle loudest when
There's nothing vital in the eggs they've laid;
And there are hens, professing to have made
A study of mankind, who say that men
Whose business 'tis to drive the tongue or pen
Make the most clamorous fanfaronade
O'er their most worthless work; and I'm afraid
They're not entirely different from the hen.
Lo! the drum-major in his coat of gold,
His blazing breeches and high-towering cap —
Imperiously pompous, grandly bold,
Grim, resolute, an awe-inspiring chap!
Who'd think this gorgeous creature's only virtue
Is that in battle he will never hurt you?
—Hannibal Hunsiker
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)
They say that hens do cackle loudest when
There's nothing vital in the eggs they've laid;
And there are hens, professing to have made
A study of mankind, who say that men
Whose business 'tis to drive the tongue or pen
Make the most clamorous fanfaronade
O'er their most worthless work; and I'm afraid
They're not entirely different from the hen.
Lo! the drum-major in his coat of gold,
His blazing breeches and high-towering cap —
Imperiously pompous, grandly bold,
Grim, resolute, an awe-inspiring chap!
Who'd think this gorgeous creature's only virtue
Is that in battle he will never hurt you?
—Hannibal Hunsiker
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)
The moon is the only natural sattelite of the earth, formed 4.5 billion years ago by a rock the size of mars called theia colliding with the earth, the resulting debris formed the current moon.
art is any medium or form of expression that is used as to create or express. Art is culturally, and individually driven. elites within society often have a separate system for art that is private to them, and kept away from the mainstream, or working class. art was considered one of the most valuable treasures that could be seized when germany was defeated by the alliance, and some amongst the upper circles of those societies were mourned priceless german art lost in a great fire, even over the lives of those lost at the hands of the regime.
(also: society)
(also: expression)
(also: creativity)
(also: society)
(also: expression)
(also: creativity)
(noun) The linguistic labyrinth where words don disguises as either the protagonists (nouns) or the action heroes (verbs) of sentences. Nouns, like steady sentinels, name people, places, or things, while verbs, the dynamic darlings, express actions, states, or occurrences. In this grammatical guessing game, identifying the noun-verb duo becomes a thrilling mental marathon, where triumph awaits those who conquer language's dual nature.
Teaching Tip: Make noun and verb identification engaging by using interactive games or activities. Provide sentences or short passages and have students identify the nouns and verbs within them. You can also create a fun classroom challenge where students compete to identify the most nouns and verbs in a given time frame, making learning both enjoyable and educational.
Teaching Tip: Make noun and verb identification engaging by using interactive games or activities. Provide sentences or short passages and have students identify the nouns and verbs within them. You can also create a fun classroom challenge where students compete to identify the most nouns and verbs in a given time frame, making learning both enjoyable and educational.
A drink served at banquets of the Olympian deities. The secret of its preparation is lost, but the modern Kentuckians believe that they come pretty near to a knowledge of its chief ingredient.
Juno drank a cup of nectar,
But the draught did not affect her.
Juno drank a cup of rye —
Then she bade herself good-bye.
Juno drank a cup of nectar,
But the draught did not affect her.
Juno drank a cup of rye —
Then she bade herself good-bye.
italian interjection, conveying surprise. similar to "my goodness!"
"we ran out of pizza rolls!"
"mamma mia!"
"we ran out of pizza rolls!"
"mamma mia!"
(n.) a witticism. something oscar wilde would say at a party. basically what every entry on this website amounts to.
if you are given the option between fungible goods of various prices, buy the most expensive one
market too
sign-up or face the consequences!
“"observers" must obey the call.”