(n.) professional term for a bruisey kind of boo-boo
(n.) one of nature's more impressive primal displays, a huge arc of electricity that courses through the air during atmospheric storms, striking the nearest convenient point of low electrical potential, and superheating the air to cause an explosion we call thunder
if it could only be greased, then lightning might well prove to be automatic, systematic, and hydromatic, and indeed, may be a useful way to get lots of tit.
if it could only be greased, then lightning might well prove to be automatic, systematic, and hydromatic, and indeed, may be a useful way to get lots of tit.
Anything you easily realize with your senses, though it can be a feeling, emotion or a fact - e.g. cold, pain, need to run, shame, depression, someone's hate towards other, thrill, fear, broad stupidity your hate (the kind that makes you kill someone), that communism is bad, h (I'm from Czech republic, russian communism took us fifty years and expelled us from modern Europe), that and so on. It overflows from just knowing it to feeling it in your brain or even whole body.
Physically good song can be the one that makes you dance or feel like flying, physical stupidity takes your speech, physical inspiration is the state where you have to make it happen.
(noun): A game that's easy to learn but impossible to master, causing losers to hate it and winners to lord their superiority over everyone else. Just don't knock over the pieces in a fit of rage.
A miscreant who would forestall the future by discrediting the past and abolishing the present.
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)
To move forward uncertainly, from side to side, as one carrying the white man's burden. (From zed, z, and jag, an Icelandic word of unknown meaning.)
He zedjagged so uncomen wyde
Thet non coude pas on eyder syde;
So, to com saufly thruh, I been
Constreynet for to doodge betwene.
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)
He zedjagged so uncomen wyde
Thet non coude pas on eyder syde;
So, to com saufly thruh, I been
Constreynet for to doodge betwene.
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)
A mystic beverage secretly used by our most popular novelists and poets to regulate the imagination and narcotize the conscience. It is said to be rich in both obtundite and lethargine, and is brewed in a midnight fog by a fat witch of the Dismal Swamp.
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)
(n.) when the flesh is (sometimes inconveniently) willing, though the spirit may or may not be
(n.) with your eyes closed and your mind resting, you just might link to the OG.
(also: dreams)
(also: default mode network)
(also: dreams)
(also: default mode network)
(n.) politely saying sorry after you hit them with a hockey stick
A formal inquiry designed to prove and put upon record the blameless characters of judges, advocates and jurors. In order to effect this purpose it is necessary to supply a contrast in the person of one who is called the defendant, the prisoner or the accused. If the contrast is made sufficiently clear this person is made to undergo such an affliction as will give the virtuous gentlemen a comfortable sense of their immunity, added to that of their worth. In our day the accused is usually a human being, or a socialist, but in mediæval times, animals, fishes, reptiles and insects were brought to trial. A beast that had taken human life, or practiced sorcery, was duly arrested, tried and, if condemned, put to death by the public executioner. Insects ravaging grain fields, orchards or vineyards were cited to appeal by counsel before a civil tribunal, and after testimony, argument and condemnation, if they continued in contumaciam the matter was taken to a high ecclesiastical court, where they were solemnly excommunicated and anathematized. In a street of Toledo, some pigs that had wickedly run between the viceroy's legs, upsetting him, were arrested on a warrant, tried and punished. In Naples an ass was condemned to be burned at the stake, but the sentence appears not to have been executed. D'Addosio relates from the court records many trials of pigs, bulls, horses, cocks, dogs, goats, etc., greatly, it is believed, to the betterment of their conduct and morals. In 1451 a suit was brought against the leeches infesting some ponds about Berne, and the Bishop of Lausanne, instructed by the faculty of Heidelberg University, directed that some of "the aquatic worms" be brought before the local magistracy. This was done and the leeches, both present and absent, were ordered to leave the places that they had infested within three days on pain of incurring "the malediction of God." In the voluminous records of this cause célèbre nothing is found to show whether the offenders braved the punishment, or departed forthwith out of that inhospitable jurisdiction.
(also: judge)
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)
(also: judge)
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)
(n.) The secret meaning of life.
It is only beer if it is brewed according to the german "Reinheitsgebot" (purity decree) from 1516, the only ingredients are:
-barley malt
It is only beer if it is brewed according to the german "Reinheitsgebot" (purity decree) from 1516, the only ingredients are:
-barley malt
The dream of a mad philosopher. That which would remain in the cupel if one should assay a phantom. The nucleus of a vacuum.
(also: guide)
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)
(also: guide)
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)
A degree of distinction between notoriety and fame — a little more supportable than the one and a little more intolerable than the other. Sometimes it is conferred by an unfriendly and inconsiderate hand.
I touched the harp in every key,
But found no heeding ear;
And then Ithuriel touched me
With a revealing spear.
Not all my genius, great as 'tis,
Could urge me out of night.
I felt the faint appulse of his,
And leapt into the light!
—W.J. Candleton
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)
I touched the harp in every key,
But found no heeding ear;
And then Ithuriel touched me
With a revealing spear.
Not all my genius, great as 'tis,
Could urge me out of night.
I felt the faint appulse of his,
And leapt into the light!
—W.J. Candleton
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)
(n.) the cockroach of the sea, considered more palatable than its land dwelling cousin
K is a consonant that we get from the Greeks, but it can be traced away back beyond them to the Cerathians, a small commercial nation inhabiting the peninsula of Smero. In their tongue it was called Klatch, which means "destroyed." The form of the letter was originally precisely that of our H, but the erudite Dr. Snedeker explains that it was altered to its present shape to commemorate the destruction of the great temple of Jarute by an earthquake, circa 730 B.C. This building was famous for the two lofty columns of its portico, one of which was broken in half by the catastrophe, the other remaining intact. As the earlier form of the letter is supposed to have been suggested by these pillars, so, it is thought by the great antiquary, its later was adopted as a simple and natural—not to say touching—means of keeping the calamity ever in the national memory. It is not known if the name of the letter was altered as an additional mnemonic, or if the name was always Klatch and the destruction one of nature's puns. As each theory seems probable enough, I see no objection to believing both—and Dr. Snedeker arrayed himself on that side of the question.
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)
After years of education they gave you a confy boss chair, but they also make you shame to sit on it.
You have to be in field with workers to whip them.
Definition: I shouldnt look like lazy, athough i look like an idiot on foot.
You have to be in field with workers to whip them.
Definition: I shouldnt look like lazy, athough i look like an idiot on foot.
sign-up or face the consequences!
“"observers" must obey the call.”