medical tourism

medical tourist
Here are some important things to consider before deciding to become a medical tourist:

Quality of Care: Research the medical facilities and doctors that will be providing the treatments. Make sure to choose a reputable clinic or hospital and consider factors such as the quality of the facility, the qualifications of the medical professionals and patient reviews.

Cost Comparison: While medical tourism can often be less expensive than receiving treatments in your home country, it is important to compare the total cost of the treatments including travel expenses and any additional costs such as post-operative care.

Language Barriers: If you are not fluent in the language of the country you are traveling to, it is important to consider the language barriers you may face when communicating with medical professionals and navigating the healthcare system.

Availability of Follow-Up Care: Consider the availability of follow-up care in the country you are traveling to and make sure you have a plan in place for post-operative care if needed.

1.Legal Considerations: Research the laws and regulations surrounding medical tourism in the country you are considering and make sure you are aware of any potential legal implications.

2.Health Risks: Consider any health risks associated with traveling and undergoing medical procedures, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.

3.Travel Insurance: Make sure to have adequate travel insurance that covers medical expenses and any other related costs.

4.Cultural Differences: Be aware of cultural differences in the country you are traveling to and make sure you are prepared to navigate any cultural barriers you may face.

5.These are just some of the important things to consider before deciding to become a medical tourist. It is important to do your research and plan carefully to ensure a safe and successful medical tourism experience.

ana de armas

(noun): a bewitching enchantress armed with a smile that could disarm james bond himself. known for her ability to effortlessly steal scenes with a single pout, she possesses the power to make hearts skip beats and leave mortals weak in the knees.


(n.) a device used to scan one's surroundings and convert the scan into a two-dimensional image which can later be shown to your neighbors at boring get-togethers.

may also steal souls.

black madonna

(n.) a madonna who is depicted with dark skin. found from Italy to France, to Spain, to Philippines, to South America. a patron saint of outsiders, often.
"Research into the Black Madonna phenomenon is limited due to a wide consensus among scholars that the dark-skinned aspect was unintentional." something in art, something on the outskirts of mainstream religion, found across *many* instances -- unintentional? the silliest thing I've read in some time now! it may be metaphorical & symbolic, or it may be literal, or (most definitely) it may vary across the cities and centuries, but it sure is intentional. and that outskirts/ outsider thing -- yea, you bet it is addressing an otherwise-unfulfilled need of the community.

Guadalupe, Spain (crying olive oil):
black madonna
black madonna
black madonna

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