

- A-work -

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(n.) a deep story, which, when measured against literal-mindedness, seems a lie (hence the popular use of the term 'myth' to indicate a falsehood). a story children will ask to hear again and again, not because they are stupid or have low standards, but because they are absorbing cultural and existential patterns.

hear my vow,
I reclaim this term 'myth',
here and now!

(also: vow)
(also: oath)

(also: stake-claiming flag)
(also: flag on the moon)


(n.) what inevitably happens when you cut off the tail end of culture and leave it hanging, when you rip the religion (aka nascent metaphysics) out of a culture's foundation and deem it 'passe', 'ignorant' or some such without providing a suitable alternative. a bastard child of culture who, on a bad day, develops bpd, does coke, and engages in love-bombing, isolation, gaslighting and other manipulation.

(also: culture)
(also: religion)
(also: metaphysics)


(n.) the cult of diffi. it's super hush-hush, I wouldn't expect anyone to have heard of it.
(adj.) a person who cannot get along with the common social norms (hence, the need to join a cult or become a hermit).

(also: cult)


(n.) treatment of which has often been a manifestation of fear of the unknown, fear of "the other." having ginger hair is more common through certain populations, like Scots, Irishmen, Basque.

(link is working, though it appears broken)

A couple of G's, an R and an E, an I and an N
Just six little letters all jumbled together...

living water

(n.) step two if your beloved has been cut to pieces in a fairytale: now pour the living water, the water of life. rejoice, for your beloved is with you once more! do not drink the living water. the gods frown on you testing their goodwill so. the water of life is for sacred purposes, not petty thirst. be on your way now, you still have a ways to go on your quest.

(also: dead water)
(also: magical water)
(also: slavic folktales)
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